DANG Jin-xue |
Department of Tourism, Xi'an Foreign Language University, Xi'an 710061, China |
Abstract After 15 years of negotiation and unremitting efforts, China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organization on December 11th, 2001. This marks that China will be not only further be opened to the outside world, but also will participate, in a larger range, in the progress of globalization. But, there are still many who are unaware of the significance of China's entry to the WTO. These false sense of security and unnecessary panic stricken attitudes have greatly effected the normal development of the tourist industry in the west regions of China. The west regions has a vast territory, including twelve provinces and autonomous regions. It has long been known throughout the world as the "Natural History Museum in China". Here, there are not only rich cultural and historical relics, but also unique natural tourist resources. All these tourist attractions provide favorable conditions for the west regions in China to develop its tourist industry, especially at the time when China has already started its implementation of the strategies on the development of the west regions. But, the development of tourist industry in the west region is now still left behind of other provinces in the south-east regions of China. The present paper intends to re examine, from a strategic perspective, the present situation of the tourist industry in the west regions and comprehensively analyze the opportunities and challenges tits tourist industry face after China enters the WTO. On the basis of these, the writer puts forward some constructive suggestions and effective solutions to the problems and difficulties in the development of the tourist industry in the west regions. And then, the writer clearly indicates that these re examination and analysis are not only of great importance for the future development of the tourist industry in the west regions, but also of great practical significance and historical significance for China's transition from a big tourism country into a strong tourism country. It is predictable that with China's entry into WTO, and the implementation of the policy of strategy of development of the west regions of China, the tourist industry in the west regions will surely experience a further development in the years to come.
Received: 30 October 2001